Finally, Michael has returned. Where have you been? Well, I heard that his company reorganized and eliminated his position. Can't say that we didn't see that coming. Good for him. Perhaps he can move on with his life. I know he always wanted to start his own business. What kind of business is he interested in starting? I think he would like to work from home. Something with computers. I know he also would like to do something creative. I don't think he really wants to deal with the consumer. Sometimes the consumers can be very difficult to deal with. You know he thinks he wants to write and even thinks he is a good writer. I don't have the heart to tell him. You know, there are just so many things to say. My brain is bombarded. Where to start? Bad weather is rolling in and the girls and their friends are down in the basement. They are waiting out the storm. His wife has an opportunity to take a full time job at the school district office and she feels overwhelmed with the job. They really need the income right now. The stress level should go down as she becomes more familiar with the job. Did you see the video of the murder in Iraq? I don't care who did what to whom, this is a crime and those responsible should be burned at the stake. Or whatever mode of death is the most painful and last the longest amount of time. There is a whole issue around the solution. I know. But maybe the punihsment needs to fit the crime and the criminal. $BlogItemBody$>