Friday, April 27, 2007

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Life is about recognizing the opportunities and learning to carry what we need.

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Cynicism is a form of resistance. Scratch every cynic and underneath you find a wounded idealist.

Mary Pipher
Writing to Change the World

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Freedom of speeach is dead in America and maybe has been for ages. Ever since liberalism took root. It is a very sad day when something like the Imus event ends with his termination. No matter how you look at it, something is wrong with our society and it starts with the people treatment of people. No one is free from the moments in life when we have done something that we would like to take back. Whether it is right or wrong. And who is the judge. This whole situation is sad and depresses those of us that see it for what it is. Life is more than egocentricy. It is recognizing those opportunites that allow us to excel in our own way. Not to take down those who we feel are not worthy or may have made a mistake in their own eyes.

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