Saturday, March 20, 2004

Michael sat down to watch the college basketball playoff games. With some interest, the games held his attention like a pan of boiling water. He watched and waited for the water to boil and very little happened until the end and his team lost. Better luck next year. Oh yes, Michael lives in the city by the lake and knows very well what it means to wait until next year. So, while sitting there, the children began to dribble into the house. Mary, his youngest daughter, returned from a birthday party hoping that her friends could spend the night. Enthusiastically she burst through the door looking for her mother. Asking with the voice only a young child can express and turned down with the voice only a tired mother can share. Of course, we parents never let Mary have any sleep overs and even worse, she never has any fun because we never let her do anything. Poor Mary Michael wondered.


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