Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Today is my birthday. 46 candles closer to the big blow out. The prime of my life and it's raining outside. I love the rain. I have never been able to figure out why I love the rain. It makes me feel free and natural. Warm and secure. Happy. Part of it is the pitter patter of the rain drops as they fall against the window. Spreading outward as they slide down toward the earth. Searching for their mates and blending into the cool stream of consciousness. Unlike yesterday, a warm beautiful sunny day by most standards. Gentle breezes dancing with the trees awakening from their long winter slumber. Stretching their long limbs reaching for the sun. Strong roots driving downward into mother earth. All living things sharing the sense of a new day, a new year and new life. Awaken and be alive. Time never waits and moves through this reality sometimes undetectable and certainly undeniable. I must stop now and return. I want to tell you about yesterday and Michael wondered.


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