Sunday, October 01, 2006

How do you measure a year in the life of a person? I like to think its in the number of times they laugh. A good hearty belly laugh. The kind we see when we watch the innocense of a infant. The kind that shakes your whole body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. This is the laughter that some call the medicine of life. It cures the soul and warms the heart. Like castles in the air, this laughter stretches our imagination to the fair reaches of our minds. When was the last time you laughed like this? When was the last time you watched someone laugh like this? It's contagious. Isn't it? Give it a try today and make the count. Count them until they add up to a year you look back on with a warmness in your heart it melts the snow white blanket on your castles in the air.


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