Sunday, March 28, 2004

So Michael
So Michael sat there wondering to himself about all that life has to offer. Tuesday afternoon gave him the opportunity to watch his daughter Mary. She was playing volleyball for weeks and he thought he would miss the season. The eye problem turned out to be a gift. Returning from the office visit early gave him some time to renew his driver's license and spend some time at the gym with Mary. As it turned out, she was waiting for her game to begin when he arrived. Sitting in his usual spot at the top of the grand stands, Michael relaxed for the first time that day. Removing his jacket, his eyes caught Mary running up to great him. She was so excited to see him and somewhat surprised. "Hi Dad", she said. "What are you doing here?" "I came to see you play volleyball. Did you play already?" I asked her. "No, we play next. How come you aren't at work?, she asked. I told her the short version of the eye thing and she smiled as she ran back to be with her friends. I think Mary likes being an athlete and she is a very good one. If she starts to take it seriously now she may excel as she competes through high school. If she starts to take it seriously, one of the true paradox's of life. As soon as one begins to take life seriously, life loses it innocence and becomes a chore. It goes from being a blessing to being a game. A game we all grow up learning how to play through conditioning by all the adults and institutions we let influence our lives. So play your game of volleyball and have fun. Don't ever take life seriously because it's all a crap shoot. Everything happens because of everything else and there is no way to control it. Random happenings that the game players think they made happen by their own will and are figment of their own egos. So, how does Michael learn from his daughter. After 46 years now and being influenced by all the game players in his life, how does he begin to have some fun and enjoy the next part of this life. I think he needs lighten up and find something to give back to the world. Something he can use to make his temporary mark in the enough random fabric of humanity. Michael continued to wonder.

Learn something new

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Hello. Maybe I am starting to understand this process. We will see. I have added an email link at the bottom right. This will allow you to send me a contribution to the story. As I learn more about blogs, I my change the format. At this time, I would love to hear from you. Send me something and I'll add it to the story. So, Tuesday or the day before yesterday turned into a great day. It started with Michael walking through the plant to see what was going on. I don't like the word plant. Michael needs to be walking through something more exciting. The usual people doing their jobs with the customary smiles and greetings throughout. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood for the day. Michael couldn't find what he was looking for. The team was scheduled to produce The Guide to Digital Photography.

Back in his office. Michael began to feel a buring in his eye. Not severe at this point. More annoying, like a small insect determined to become your best friend. Time passed slowly this morning and by lunch time, his eye was quite red and irritating. He tried rinsing and rushed to the eye wash station. Nothing seemed to help and closing his eye made the burining worse. With little left to do, he decided to call his eye doctor. Someone describe the eye doctor for me. The doctor asked the required questions and none of my answers seemed to help him with the diagnosis.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Today is my birthday. 46 candles closer to the big blow out. The prime of my life and it's raining outside. I love the rain. I have never been able to figure out why I love the rain. It makes me feel free and natural. Warm and secure. Happy. Part of it is the pitter patter of the rain drops as they fall against the window. Spreading outward as they slide down toward the earth. Searching for their mates and blending into the cool stream of consciousness. Unlike yesterday, a warm beautiful sunny day by most standards. Gentle breezes dancing with the trees awakening from their long winter slumber. Stretching their long limbs reaching for the sun. Strong roots driving downward into mother earth. All living things sharing the sense of a new day, a new year and new life. Awaken and be alive. Time never waits and moves through this reality sometimes undetectable and certainly undeniable. I must stop now and return. I want to tell you about yesterday and Michael wondered.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Michael sat down to watch the college basketball playoff games. With some interest, the games held his attention like a pan of boiling water. He watched and waited for the water to boil and very little happened until the end and his team lost. Better luck next year. Oh yes, Michael lives in the city by the lake and knows very well what it means to wait until next year. So, while sitting there, the children began to dribble into the house. Mary, his youngest daughter, returned from a birthday party hoping that her friends could spend the night. Enthusiastically she burst through the door looking for her mother. Asking with the voice only a young child can express and turned down with the voice only a tired mother can share. Of course, we parents never let Mary have any sleep overs and even worse, she never has any fun because we never let her do anything. Poor Mary Michael wondered.

So, how do I get people to find this site and want to say something? I guess people always have something to say. If you find yourself at this site, please contribute and tell your friends. Maybe this is what everyone is trying to do. And this is the story. There are so many choices today that we all have an outlet. Nothing is sacred and private. We have no where to go to be ourselves because we are all the same. Is this good or bad? Michael wondered.

In time, this will become the Great American Novel. Written by many and read by more, Michael began the rest of his life. Creative thoughts pounding inside his head, driving his heart toward eternity. Random ideas coming together for the first time like that moment one's heart finds its mate. Middle age not taking its toll and driving him toward greatness, Michael decided to find a home for his urge. An urge stronger than any he has had throughout his sprinkle of life. Looking for his voice amidst the perpetual pounding of society's ramblings.

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