Thursday, March 25, 2004

Hello. Maybe I am starting to understand this process. We will see. I have added an email link at the bottom right. This will allow you to send me a contribution to the story. As I learn more about blogs, I my change the format. At this time, I would love to hear from you. Send me something and I'll add it to the story. So, Tuesday or the day before yesterday turned into a great day. It started with Michael walking through the plant to see what was going on. I don't like the word plant. Michael needs to be walking through something more exciting. The usual people doing their jobs with the customary smiles and greetings throughout. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood for the day. Michael couldn't find what he was looking for. The team was scheduled to produce The Guide to Digital Photography.

Back in his office. Michael began to feel a buring in his eye. Not severe at this point. More annoying, like a small insect determined to become your best friend. Time passed slowly this morning and by lunch time, his eye was quite red and irritating. He tried rinsing and rushed to the eye wash station. Nothing seemed to help and closing his eye made the burining worse. With little left to do, he decided to call his eye doctor. Someone describe the eye doctor for me. The doctor asked the required questions and none of my answers seemed to help him with the diagnosis.


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